FUJIFILM Superia X-TRA 800 – film review no. 1

I’ve had in mind for a while to do a film review. The reason is that I find it difficult to choose which films to buy, and not to buy. I usually buy a lot of different films, but considering the fact that I have only used a film based camera for a year I havent had the time to try everything out, but I thought I would start doing this so it could be a bit easier for all us amateurs to shoot some cool films. I also find it difficult to find any good film reviews online. Please consider that this is from an amateurs point of view.

Tips number one to get an understanding of how your film roll will turn out, is to search the film name on flickr! On flickr you will always find a group (or twenty) with the film name and in that group you will find a lot of pictures that is shot with the current film.

So this is the first film I’m going to do a review of, and that is the FUJIFILM Superia X-TRA 800.

I hope you understand that the number 800 stands for the iso, and this is really important to set on your camera. This is a medium high iso, and it gives the opportunity to take pictures when it’s not the best light opportunities, but it will be more grainy than the films with iso 100 and 200.

First of all, I REALLY like this film! I’ve only shot one roll of film, and I screwed up a bit in some photos. I will show you of course.

I will start with some photos were the sky is not clear at all, and very white. Under conditions similar to this, please use a filter to add more contrast to the sky. The heaven is white. This is a common problem by the way.

In this picture the light conditions is very similar, that’s why it turned out very overexposed at the top! Again, a filter would easily fix this. 

This is also a photo with huge contrasts, but this one I took during the evening, and it turned out GREAT compared to the other photos. Please notice that the aperture and the exposure time has a lot to say when it comes to how the picture turns out. You can see that this film has got a lot of pink. I really like that.

This is my pink photo proof, something happened and it used a lot of time to exposure, so if you have a looong exposure time I guess that means you can end up with a pinkish photo.

More pinkish photos

This is a photo I took when it was complete dark, but it turned out AWESOME!

With this film you can achieve very cold colours if you prefer that. If you have a low aperture number the colour will be a bit like this:

Here is the same location but with a higher aperture number, I prefer the picture above! So this shows how the settings really make a big difference.

This is a picture that could need a higher aperture number, but I still really like it.

All in all this film gives some really god shots and you will definitely get some spectacular shots out of your roll, with some really great colours. I will finish up with some pics I really like from the same roll:

Hope this was helpful for you!

Les chausseurs abandonnées

Er det noen som vet om noen gode fotoblogger, helst analoge?  //Quelqu’un connaissez des blogs photos, particulierement analogue?

Moi, j’aime:

Pour la mode:
Les photos sont vraiment superb!